How Bio Energetic Testing Works

Bio Energetic Testing

In the late 1940’s, a German medical doctor and engineer began researching and validating an innovative testing method now known as Bio Energetic Testing or BET. This method was documented and proven for over a decade of hospital studies in Germany, and today BET is widely used throughout Europe by over 25,000 medical practitioners. In the United States, BET is growing, particularly by medical practitioners who specialize in Alternative, Holistic and Biological Medicine techniques and disciplines.

BET offers a quick, non-invasive screening method for determining health issues. BET has great value in giving practitioners a “hands-on” assessment tool. BET is an “Energetic” assessment of the individual.  The information provided from a BET screening is invaluable for the general assessment of a patient’s condition.  Additionally, BET practitioners have found tremendous success using BET as a powerful tool for determining therapies for their patients.

We have many different organs and glands in the body.  We also have a highly organized and complex Nervous System and Circulatory System.  All of these organs, glands, and systems are physical in nature and chemical in composition.  We can touch, see and measure these aspects.  We know that science has proven these attributes, and we take science’s accounts of such nature to be true.  But there is also an unseen component of all these organs, glands, and systems called the Energetic System.  This Energetic System is not physical or chemical in its nature, it is energy.

The Energetic System is invisible to the eye, but definitely measurable with sensitive equipment. Often, it is the nature of our strict analytical minds to deny the existence of that which cannot be seen. Some individuals claim to be able to feel “Auras”, and “Chakras” and some claim they can “feel” different energies in the body. Generally we can’t feel this Energy and we can’t see it, so how do we know that it exists?

It is best that we start our explanation of the Energetic System with a basic understanding of acupuncture.  For centuries, Chinese doctors have been practicing the art of acupuncture.  Acupuncture is based on a system of meridians.  The meridians are explained as a network of energy channels that are used for communication and for moving energy throughout the body.  An acupuncture physician uses needles that are placed at specific points to stimulate the flow of energy to specific organs and glands.  For example, a needle may be placed near the base of the index finger to stimulate the large Intestine, or near the back of the temple and to the front and top of the ear, to stimulate the hypothalamus gland.

There are twenty-one basic meridians (Chinese doctors typically use 12 meridians), each corresponding to the major organs and glands of the body. Along each of these meridians there are many acupuncture points. Each acupuncture point on a meridian will correspond to either a specific gland, or to the various functional regions found within an organ.  All totaled, there are hundreds of different points located along the basic twenty-one meridians.  This Energetic System is an intricate map that is consistently identical in every man and woman.  Everyone has the same meridians and the same acupuncture points.  The Chinese have known about this map for over 3,000 years. They have had success in using this knowledge of the Energetic System of the body through the application of acupuncture techniques for health improvement. Their empirical success alone offers substantiated proof of the Energetic System.

Additionally, there are other examples that verify proof of the Energetic System. Cameras equipped with special film can detect images of energetic aura’s found around living things. Science has made successful displays of the existence of the Energetic System through the use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging (NMRI) Systems.

We must remember that the simplest things in nature are not always visible, such as wind and sounds, yet we all know that they are there, and they are real. Consequently, having a good understanding of this remarkable system can give us access to a more complete understanding of the nature of health.

The Energetic System is a network of communication pathways. This system is aware of everything that is going on in even the smallest corner of your body. The Energetic System knows the presence of every organism living in your body including all viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites.  It also knows the functional condition and health level of every cell in your body.  The Energetic System is also aware of every toxin and every other factor that influences your state of health.  By directly tapping into and measuring the Energetic System, we can determine, at any moment, everything about your health condition.

A BET device measures the Energetic System by using electricity. In Germany in the late 1940’s, a doctor was experimenting with the effects of electricity on the human body.  In his studies, the doctor used a technique known as Electrical Conductivity Metering.  This can explained in simple terms.  Electricity flows very easily through some materials making them very electrically conductive.  Gold, silver and copper are all very electrically conductive.  Other materials are not very conductive, for example dry wood or rubber.  We can use a “Conductivity Meter” to measure the electrical conductance of different materials.

It was found that the electrical conductance on any general area of the human body, has a fairly low level of electrical conductivity.  This is a curious conclusion since we know that the body has a large volume of electrically conductive fluids within it.  But, the skin, by its nature, is very resistant to electrical current.  In certain specific locations on the anatomy the electrical flow measured was much more conductive than other locations.  These points found to be higher in electrical flow correspond to the acupuncture points and meridians.

A BET device is a type of Electrical Conductivity Meter.  The newer generation devices are connected to computers with specialized software, but essentially, any BET device is a conductivity meter.  In using a BET device, the practitioner tests a meridian point with a point probe [a positive electrode (+)].  This is a stylus with a metal tip, usually made of brass.  The practitioner tests the conductivity of different points by applying the point probe on a patient’s hands or feet, while the patient holds a brass cylinder called a ground electrode [(the negative electrode (-)] in the hand not being tested. Both the point probe and the ground electrode are connected with electrical cables to the BET device.  With the patient holding the ground electrode in one hand, the practitioner will touch the point probe at a specific BET point.  The instant when the point probe touches the skin the ground electrode passes a very slight amount of electrical current through the body.  

The electricity seeks the path of “least resistance” and courses through the corresponding meridian, finding its way to the point probe. The amount of electricity is so slight that you cannot feel it (it is less than 1.5 volts and less than 10 micro amps), but it is enough to be accurately measured.  If a BET device used more than 1.5 volts, such voltage would disturb the meridians which would result in inaccurate measurements.

How do we go from electrical conductance measurement to a useful assessment of the Energetic System?

We know some useful points and from these we can make some viable conclusions:

•    Electricity will flow through a meridian

•    The nature of how electricity flows through a specific meridian is directly related to how energy flows through the specific meridian

•    The flow of energy is related to the energetic health of a meridian.  Therefore, we know that the flow of electricity is also related, just as the energy is, to the health of the meridian.


The “universal baseline” makes BET a viable testing method.

A Balanced Reading: The BET meter gives us conductance readings and there is intrinsic value in this; however the actual reason that we can use BET to evaluate the meridians is because there is a Universal Baseline.  Regardless of who is tested, no matter what their age, weight, sex, or race, a reading of 11 or higher with no change over time (no indicator drop), is an indication of an energetically healthy or “balanced” meridian.



Irritation and Inflammation: Readings at points that are below the baseline indicate “irritation” of a meridian.  Readings significantly below exhibit “inflammation” of a meridian. We all have observed or experienced that inflamed tissue is swollen. It holds more liquid than its normal state of being.  We also know that the more liquid equates to more electrical conductivity.  Therefore, we should have a higher conductivity reading if a tissue is inflamed.




Indicator Drops and Impaired Functionality: When a reading steadily drops in value from the high point down, this is known as an “Indicator Drop” (ID), and this can display a weakness or disturbance in the meridian.  From a functional standpoint it can be said that the meridian is “functionally impaired”.


Functionally Compromised Readings:  When a reading is significantly low, then it is believed that this meridian is displaying “low energy” properties.  A chronically inflamed organ will eventually stop performing as it loses the fight.  It may become hardened, as happens in liver cirrhosis.  As organs harden, they lose their hydration, and thus cannot conduct electricity as they once did, therefore producing “low energy” readings.

Remedy Testing expands the range of capability in BET Testing.

In the studies, it was found that different remedies might affect the readings on different meridians.  For example, if you are testing the liver and the practitioner tests several different remedies on the “test plate” (a metal plate used for remedy testing on a BET device), some of these remedies may change the conductance readings of the liver.  If a particular remedy causes the liver reading to become more “balanced”, then the practitioner would consider this specific remedy to be “Bio-Compatible”.  Biocompatible means; the remedy produces a favorable or “Positive Response” energetically.

Much of BET remedy testing is based on a specific type of remedy called Homeopathy.  A homeopathic remedy is made by successively diluting a substance in water (alcohol or glycerin is added to stabilize the remedy).  The dilution process is repeated many times to the point where there is very, very little of the original substance in the solution.  The more diluted the homeopathic the more powerful it becomes.  This is difficult to fathom because we are use to chemical remedies, but homeopathy is more of an energetic remedy.

A homeopathic remedy does not affect the body through chemistry; rather it stimulates the body’s own mechanisms through energy.  For example, homeopathically prepared mercury is not toxic and creates no side effect in the body, but it can stimulate the body’s own mechanisms to detoxify itself of mercury.  Using this information, let’s say we take a mercury homeopathic remedy and test the liver with a BET device.  If we get a favorable balancing response, then we can assume that this remedy is biocompatible to the liver.  On an energetic level we can say that the body is toxic with mercury.

Using this testing model, researchers developed a well organized, methodology for BET. To this day, many BET practitioners use hundreds of homeopathically prepared test samples (bottled in sealed 1 ml. ampoules), to determine what types of toxins, virus, bacteria, parasites, fungus, environmental effects and allergies energetically affect the meridians.  Even emotional aspects can be tested in this manner.  Recent technological advances in the United States have taken this method light-years ahead with the addition of computer technology.  The process of taking small test ampoules, one at a time and placing them on the test plate is slow and cumbersome.  A computer can automate and expedite this procedure using very advanced techniques.

BET testing is the first technological application designed to measure the Energetic System of the human body.  BET offers a source of valuable assessment information, unattainable in any other fashion.  Individuals concerned about longevity, wellness, preventative care, natural healing methods and alternative therapies will find BET to be an unparalleled source for answers.  For all of these reasons, the number of BET practitioners and patients seeking this type of health assessment in the United States is on the rise.

Call today to book your appointment!

Jenn (810)288-8222