
                 THE JOY OF A TUMOR

(2014) I was the oldest child at the time, 10 years old. My youngest sibling was 5 years old. We all felt it was time for another little pair of feet to run around the living room. And then came the day when my mother announced the news. We were going to have another baby! We were so excited… until God decided to take the baby home. We were upset, but quickly bounced back months later when my mom said she was pregnant again. We all thought that this time our prayers would be answered. And then… God decided to take the baby home. The doctors tried to figure out why both babies had died, but they couldn’t find anything. We all thought that was the end of that story, but we had no idea what was in store.  

(2016) It was at our school soccer practice when I noticed a pain developing in my breasts. Over the course of a few weeks, it got worse and worse until I could no longer run and I had to walk with care. My mom took me to see a doctor and he noticed that I had some lumps in the sides of my breasts. He told us there was a chance it was a breast tumor. My mom, who took the news very seriously, took me to see a natural wellness practitioner whom she had heard about. Once she scanned me, she confirmed the lumps were caused by a breast tumor, but that she could help me. Over the next few months, she treated me with detox formulas custom designed for me, and I got better and better. 

When the wellness practitioner was scanning me and she discovered my mother was once again pregnant, she offered to give my mom a free check-up since we were already there.  What she found changed everything. She discovered the reason why my mom had lost both babies. My mother had a certain parasite called toxoplasmosis, which is known for causing miscarriages, and she had a lot of it! The wellness practitioner explained that these parasites aggravated the womb and that for most women, they would miscarry before they even knew they were pregnant. She gave my mom a customized detox formula to drink, and told us that my mother most likely could and would carry full-term. We were all so happy, yet a bit wary. We didn’t want to be let down again. But the formulas the practitioner gave my mother worked, and nine months later, we welcomed a beautiful baby girl.

It took me a while to realize that I had been given the breast tumor for a reason. If God had not given it to me, we would never have gone to the USA to see this practitioner, and my mother would never have been given the proper protocol to help her with her miscarriages. If my mother had not received the right treatment, we would not be blessed with the little bundle of joy we have now. I am in awe at how God works. He takes something terrible and He turns it into something amazing. This is just an example that God has everything under control, and when we trust in Him, we get wonderful results.